Coffee & Donuts
Contact: Parish Office 509.962.9819
The social time after Mass is an important time for building community in our parish. Each Sunday after 9:00 Mass, coffee, doughnuts, and juice are served in the Activity Center lobby, providing people with an opportunity for companionship with their fellow parishioners. Donations are asked to be given. During the school year, children are invited to have a donut and then head off to class quickly. This serves as a time for parishioners to connect and build community.
Second Sunday Evening Social
Contact: Pam Odell 425.308.0735
The second Sunday each month following the Sunday 5:00 p.m. Mass come to the Activity Center lobby to enjoy food and fellowship.
Compassion Corps Grief Support
Contact: Kelly Held: 509.304.4866
A ministry that reaches out to those who grieve the loss of a loved one.
Compassion Corps will meet at noon on dates to be announced in the parish bulletin. Bring your own lunch. Those interested in participating may join the group at any time and may continue as long as participation is helpful. Transportation can be provided.
Dinner for Eight
Contact: Randy and Darlene Grant 509.899.7714
A ministry for couples to make and engage with new friends in the parish! Join three other couples for dinner, taking turns hosting. Once everybody has had a chance to serve, join a new group of couples and get to know St. Andrew's while sharing delicious meals.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Contact: Jerry Connolly 509.856.8681
Men and women aged 18 years and older come together in song, prayer, study and discussion. Meets Monday evenings at 6:30.
Mondays at 6:30 PM in the library.
October Festival
Director: Barbara Diefenbach 661.972.6416
An annual parish festival held on the first Thursday in October. Includes a home-made soup and bread luncheon, a raffle and a variety of shops. Everyone is encouraged to participate in some way. Proceeds provide all kitchen and serving needs for every parish function. A percentage of the proceeds are given to the seminary fund, retired religious and a variety of charities. St. Andrew’s. See our traditions list for more information.
Tuesday Morning Study Group
Contact: Hugh Spall 925-2937
Meet on Tuesdays at 9 AM in the library
Welcoming Committee
Contact: Sue Connolly 509.899.5310
A warm welcome is extended to our newest members. A packet of parish information is sent to all newly registered members. This is followed up by a phone call or a visit. If there are questions about the parish and its ministries, a member of the committee is available to help.
Women's Bible Study
Contact: Debbie Bliss 509.859.4687
We gather on Fridays at 9 AM in the Library to study and engage in joyful camaraderie.
Marian Group
Contact: Karen McGuirk 425.765.4015